1st MacDougalls
Time 3 hours, 57 minutes and 20 seconds
2nd 40 Plus 1
Time 4 hours, 7 minutes and 22 seconds
3rd MediaWorks Manawatu
Time 4 hours, 22 minutes and 0 seconds
4th Cool Limes - PB Commercial
Time 4 hours, 29 minutes and 3 seconds
5th Brokenshire Plumbing
Time 4 hours 35 minutes and 18 seconds
6th 360 Health & Fitness
Time 4 hours, 36 minutes and 18 seconds
7th Studio Rubix
Time 4 hours, 38 minutes and 36 seconds
8th Team Bob
Time 4 hours, 46 minutes and 0.3 seconds
9th Lumberland
Time 4 hours, 46 minutes and 0.3 seconds
10th Humpas
Time 4 hours 48 minutes and 30 seconds
11th Dooneys
Time 4 hours, 53 minutes and 21 seconds
12th BPM Legends and PB Levin
Time 4 hours, 56 minutes and 15 seconds
13th Your pace or mine
Time 4 hours, 59 minutes and 54 seconds
14th Adamson & Holland
Time 5 hours, 0 minutes and 20 seconds
15th JPAC
Time 5 hours, 2 minutes and 29 seconds
16th 360 Health and Fitness Yeah Right
Time 5 hours 3 minutes and 37 seconds
17th Good Buggars
Time 5 hours, 7 minutes and 16 seconds
18th Property Brokers Jokers
Time 5 hours, 12 minutes and 53 seconds
19th Reshape NZ
Time 5 hours, 13 minutes and 36 seconds
20th J.A Russell Ltd
Time 5 hours, 18 minutes and 42 seconds
21st Manawatu Toyota - Good Lux
Time 5 hours, 21 minutes and 24 seconds
22nd BeauxDooney Nutrition Ltd
Time 5 hours, 22 minutes and 40 seconds
23rd Sprockets NZ
Time 5 hours 24 minutes and 0.0 seconds
24th Rivercity Pro Bro's
Time 4 hours 24 minutes and 0.7 seconds
25th The Fight Shop NZ
Time 5 hours, 24 minutes and 59 seconds
26th Fonterra Udder ones
Time 5 hours, 26 minutes and 14 seconds
27th Sort it later
Time 5 hours, 32 minutes and 43 seconds
28th Manawatu Toyota - Tough Lux
Time 5 hours, 35 minutes and 49 seconds
29th Norwood
Time 5 hours, 36 minutes and 33 seconds
30th Coppers
Time 5 hours, 37 minute and 39 seconds
31st Brebner Print
Time 5 hours, 40 minute and 16 seconds
32nd 360 Health & Fitness Development
Time 5 hours, 40 minute and 18 seconds
33rd Nui to Tui
Time 5 hours, 40 minute and 40 seconds
34th Danceman
Time 5 hours, 41 minute and 38 seconds
35th Graeme’s Grinders
Time 5 hours, 43 minutes and 18 seconds
36th Legs Miserables
Time 5 hours, 46 minutes and 21 seconds
37th Run Forrest Run
Time 5 hours, 46 minutes and 14 seconds
38th SJP Painters & Decorators
Time 5 hours, 49 minutes and 0.1 seconds
39th Running From The Law
Time 5 hours, 50 minutes and 20 seconds
40th Gen X Strikes Back!
Time 5 hours, 55 minute and 13 seconds
41st Medlab Madcaps
Time 6 hours, 9 minute and 0.4 seconds
42nd DeLaval
Time 6 hours, 18 minute and 15 seconds
43nd WTF
Time 6 hours, 21 minute and 58 seconds
Gregs Gliders Lost timing chip
360 Health and Fitness
Time 4 hours, 33 minutes and 11 seconds
Time 5 hours, 37 minutes and 42 seconds
Time 5 hours, 59 minutes and 50 seconds